Game Sections
RPG Legends
The Main Page!
Forward:Alright, so you came to RPG Legends. I hope you're not dissapointed. This marks the two year anniversary of RPGL, and in that time I've added a lot to it. So I hope that you can find what you need. If you have any ideas for new Game sections that I should add, or anything else for that matter than feel free to e-mail me. And be sure to sign the guestbook. I hope you find what you need and thanks for visiting my site. -hylianknight, RPG Legends Webmaster Game sections that have next to them are completed [meaning that they will have no further information added to them becuase they already have eveything you'd need for that game in them]. Note: If you want to borrow anything from this site, just e-mail me letting me know and give me credit on your page as well as a link to mine, that's all I ask. What will be up next time I update: Complete versions of Breath of Fire II, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 9, and Super Mario RPG. |