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Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough
WARNING! THIS MAY SPOIL SECRETS AND SURPRISES IN THE GAME DO NOT READ PAST THE AREA YOU ARE IN IF YOU WANT IT TO BE A SECRET!What you should be sure to do: Save whenever you do a major accomplishment or something you wouldn't want to have to do/get again. Build you levels higher then what I tell you, the level I show is an okay level, but it would be wise to build higher. Remodel your weapons ASAP. Also, if any of the bosses are too hard for you, use Meltdown on them, this will bring their Vit [physical defense] down to 0. Best of all, Meltdown works on every enemy and boss in the game. [Even the final boss.] Note The Hp shown for bosses is always at their highest level. Hints:You may want to change your controls to those of Final Fantasy 7 like I did. Also in battle when an ally is low, to get them to use their limit breaker, just keep tapping the "pass" button until it gets to them and they have the Limit breaker option. Disc one: Part one: The Fire cavern Level:6 Watch the awesome intro scene [I must've watched that thing at least 20 times so far.] Then enter Squall's name. Inside the classroom get Quezacotl and Shiva, these are the first two GF's you'll get in the game. Equip Quezacotl on Squall and Shiva on Quistis when you get her. Next take Selphie on the tour of Balamb gardens. Be sure to talk to the man in front of the elevator on the 2nd story to get your first deck of Triple Triad cards. After this go to the library and get the Esuna draw point. DON'T use Esuna in battle, because you won't get to draw more for quite a while. Now go speak to Quistis. Junction Shiva to her. Gain two levels for Squall while drawing Blizzard from Glacial Eyes and Fasticolon -F's [In other words go to the beach near Balamb to gain levels]. After this go to the Config. menu and change the cursor to Memory and encounter an enemy that you can draw blizzard from get something [Like a bored little brother] to hold down the command button and keep drawing until they each have 100 blizzards. Before you go to Dollet it's also good to get 100 Cures junctioned to at least Squall's Hp. Now head into the Fire Cavern. [Now would be a good time to use a tent and save.] In the cavern go for the 10 minute time limit and whenever you run into a fight use blizzard on the enemy. Get the fire draw point, if you can't find it then don't waste your time looking. If you have time to spare and the Card ability for Quezacotl then you can turn bombs into cards. The bomb card is quite good for this point in the game. BOSS: Ifrit Hp:1068- Use Shiva on him and have the other character recover or use blizzard. Periodically use scan and when he gets down to 200 or so Hp just use physical attacks. Then when he gets down to where you could defeat him in one hit wait. Wait? Yeah, wait as long as you can because the less time you have leftover when you beat him, the higher you're seed score will be after the exam. Next return to Balamb gardens [After buying a healthy supply of potions and phoenix downs in Balamb.] and challenge a few people to cards. You should be able to beat them now, with Bomb and Ifrit. Change into uniform meet the others near the elevator on the 1st floor and then drive to Balamb. At Balamb you may want to buy several potions and Phoenix downs. Part 2:The exam Level 10 First of all listen to instructions, next disembark and head to the town square.Give Shiva to Seipher and Ifrit to Zell and split Quistis' magic between them. When Seipher tells you to scout ahead check to the top right. You'll fight some troops stand around a while and then continue. Next save the man from the Anacondaur. A boosted Shiva should finish him off, or severely hurt him. You'll now meet a messenger from party A she'll try to talk to Seipher DO NOT jump down the cliff it will hurt your exam score, instead walk to the right. Junction Seipher's stuff to the 'messenger'. Save and go up the elevator. You'll end up fighting Biggs and Wedge. I recommend Zell being junctioned to the Item ability rather than magic for this fight. BOSS: Biggs/ Wedge Hp:705- 640- At first you just face Biggs DO NOT harm him, instead stock everyone up on Esunas. You mainly need items to recover your Hp. When your done drawing summon a boosted GF a few times and he's gone, when Wedge comes just defeat him using boosted GF's. BOSS: Elvoret Hp:3523- This is the real boss fight, you face him in the same battle as Biggs and Wedge right after you defeat them. First Draw the Siren GF from him. Stock up some several [ He's a sort of tough boss so probably not a full 100] Doubles. Use Shiva and Quezacotl while Zell recovers either by potions or by drawing Cure from Elvoret. After this Battle save and Junction Siren. By now your GF's should know at LEAST the following: Quezacotl: HP-J / Vit-J / Mag-J / Magic / GF / Draw / Item / Card / Boost Shiva: Spr-J / Magic / GF / Draw / Item / Vit + 40% / Boost Ifrit: Hp-J / Str-J / Element Atk-J / Magic / Draw / GF / Item / Boost Refer to the chart on GF's to see where and when more abilities should be learned. Also junction Esuna to your Hp. After a short time X-ATM092 will chase after you. You'll fight him a lot, it's best to just use Quezacotl on him. If Zell tells you to run, then run. Or when he's regenerating himself if you can manage to take off his 5770 HP then you'll earn 50 AP after you retreat. Remember though each time you do this you will lose a small part of your seed grade. Also if you have A LOT of time left and Quezacotl's compatibility is in the 900's or 1000 and he knows Boost, Summon magic + 10%, 20%, and maybe even 30%, then you should try fighting him on the bridge and actually destroying him, yhis will yield a 100 point bonus on your seed test. [ Or about two ranks up]. If you try this remember he could have up to 6500 Hp. After Dollet you've pretty much finished the seed exam and if you didn't defeat X-ATM092, you'll see a cinema of Quistis gunning it down. [One of my personal favorites.] At Balamb Gardens talk to Quistis, Xu, and Cid in front of the elevator then head right, to the library and talk to Seipher, now head to the second floor to see your grade. Get changed in the dorms and then head to the dance. The dance has to be one of the longest cinemas in the game. After the dance get changed again. Now go to the training center and go to the secret area. If Shiva has Boost, and Sum Mag+ 10%, 20%,30% then try to beat T-Rexaur if you encounter one. Use Shiva and limit breakers whenever you get the chance. Also use any Demi you have [I'm not sure if you could have got any yet] you have. He'll probably have about 15,000 Hp. If you win 10 AP and 160 [+10] Exp. After you go to the secret area keep heading right. Eventually you'll face Granaldo. Boss:Granaldo Hp:Up to 9700 but probably about 1600- this flying monster is weak against wind, unfortunately you don't have any wind magic! So use the next best thing- GF's! Use three or four well-boosted GF's to destroy him. His Raldo pals have about 400 Hp a piece. Return to Squall's room and speak with Zell. Part 3: Timber Level: 15 Your next task is to head to the front gate. After Cid is done with his speech, talk to him again to gain the magic lamp. BOSS:Diablos Hp:24,800 at Lv.30 and 80,800 at Lv.100- Diablos is the demon GF [Why a demon is gravity and not death? I have no idea...] He's weak versus wind so I reccomend at least getting Pandemona. I believe this is the best strategy: Get Squall, Selphie and Irvine all to about Level 30 or higher. Diablos has Demi have Irvine draw it and use it on him, have Squall use Pandemona, the wind GF, this forms your offensive forces. As for the defensive have Selphie recover your team, it would be good to give her the Recover ability rather than GF. When Diablos uses Gravija you will most likely be able to use limit breakers, have Irvine blast away with his most damaging Ammo, but even more importantly have Selphie use slot and cast Full-Cure. Follow this strategy and you will most likely win. Next go to Balamb and stock up on potions, phoenix downs, and healing items [eye drops, echo screens, remedies etc.]. Now go to the train station and buy a ticket and soon you'll enter the "Train Dream" this is your first chance in the game to play as Laguna. The forest trail is pretty straight-forward, but be sure to get the Water draw point along the way. When you leave the forest and enter Deling head to the hotel and go down stairs. The rest of the dream is pretty much talking. Back in reality get off the train and you'll arrive in Timber. The password, incase you've forgotten, is 'Yes, but the owls are still here.' Board their train. Go to the back of the train and meet Rinoa. Also get the Pet Pals on the shelf. Now go back to the others and have Rinoa explain the plan, it may seem hard to understand and she tells you a lot of false and useless information, so I'll tell you what you need to do. 1. Run, and whenever it tells you to, jump. 2. When you get to the controls and to enter a password, here's what to do. The first time enter two codes then come up. The second time come up after every code. Even if you do mess up it doesn't really effect the game, you'll just get more time to do it over again. However if you don't get caught at all [Like me] then you'll advance a seed rank. 3. Save then talk to the president [Make Selphie junctioned to item]. Boss: Fake president/ Gerogero Hp: 778-3650- Use a GF or two to quickly finish off the fake president, when he becomes Gerogero draw all of the Esunas and Doubles you can, until everyone has a full supply of at least, Esunas after this is done, or if you start to really lose bad, use a phoenix down on him to wipe out the boss in one hit. After some talking with Rinoa, Zone, and Watts talk to Watts at the entrance of the train to get out. At Timber buy all the Pet pals you don't have and remodel any weapons that you can. Go back to the spot where you entered town and go right. Here you can enter a printing press. Inside go to different stacks of Magazines and find The girl next door in one of them, head into the left door and search around for a Blizzaga draw point save this magic for later. After the press turn right and then go down. You'll see the Pub. Fight the soldiers and refill on items at the item shop , now go inside the pub. After the man [he's near the back of the building] finishes complaining go speak with him and tell him about the card. then go through the doorway he was blocking. Keep going straight ahead and then up the stairs Squall and Rinoa will then converse and disperse. Then go help out Quistis after that go back to the screen with the printing press and go into the house on the right. After this is done go talk to the soldier, which is really Watts then go back to the screen on the right.Talk with Zone and get your tickets to Dollet then go to the train station on the right. Board the train and get off at East academy. Go through the forest as Quistis directed. Recognize it? Laguna went through it earlier. Well speaking of Laguna you get to control him again here. In the Forest dream fight off the soldiers then head into the mines. When you first enter search between the ladder and this fallen post thing for an old key, be sure to pick it up. In the next room you should mess with the lever, this allows for a secret later on. Just don't head back this way. The next room has nothing and the room after that you should check around this pile of pipes and wood for another old key. Now head up and you'll find a detonator press the red one first then the blue. Go up two rooms and get the cure draw point. Turn right, save and go through the top. If you ever encounter Elastic stock up on the rare spell of Dispel You'll fight a semi-boss fight, against some soldiers, use your GF's. That pretty much ends the forest dream next have Squall finish the going through Galbadia Forrest and into Galbadia gardens. Part 4:The Assassination Level:18 You may be at a higher level by now, but don't raise your level too high until you get the Cactuar GF this is because he has the entire set of bonus abilities, which allows you to raise nearly every stat at every level up, so the lower your level is when you get to him the better. In Galbadia Gardens go to the second floor reception room and talk with your teammates eventually Squall leaves. After that go talk to Fujin and Rajin and head to the front gate. Talk to Martine and Irvine will join your party [When you chose your party I let Irvine have his way}. Now go Southwest to a train station and go onboard you'll travel to Deling city. Go to Deling and stock up on items, then ride the bus to the mansion talk to the man at the gate, and he'll give you some quest to go on. I highly suggest buying the Locator/ Map and that's all you need to buy from him. Before going to the tomb, and if you still have the revolver, then fight outside until you get a steel pipe from a Wendigo. Then remodel your weapon to the Shear Trigger. Try to remodel the other's weapons soon too. Also fight Thrustavis if you're past level 20 to get Aero magic. The Tomb is in the Northwest of Deling, save before entering. The code is right at the start but the dungeon has a GF that is hidden deeper inside. To get the GF first head to the far right area, and face Sacred. Boss: Sacred Hp:Lv. 20 4750 Lv.75 Hp:36,375 During the battle with Sacred [You should have a lot of Aeros] use double on a teammate and have them cast Aero twice on their turn. Have another teammate draw Protect and cast it on your team. Have the last ally use very strong GF's it shouldn't take long to finish him off. Next head to the far left and hit a switch [this won't have appeared if you didn't beat Sacred]. Now head to the very top and hit a second switch. This opens up a bridge, go back to the beginning of the dungeon to save and then go on straight forward across the bridge, now you have to fight both brothers. Boss fight: Minotaur- Sacred Hp:Sacred: Lv.20 4750 Lv.75 36,375 Minotaur: Lv.20 Hp:3500 Lv.75 Hp:27,218 Use the float magic you got at the second switch room on Minotaur, this disables his healing ability, draw double from him and cast it on a teammate which will then cast doubles of Aero on Minotaur. Have the last teammate once again use a strong GF. When the first member isn't using Float have them use Diablos if you have it, if you don't have them heal the party. This victory grants you the Earth GF and their cards, proceed on to the next room. After this is done, return to Deling city and enter the code number then speak to General Caraway...... The General's daughter? That's right Rinoa is General Caraway's daughter. Listen carefully to his plan then move the teams to their designated areas, next take the Gateway party back to the mansion, and have Rinoa climb up the boxes, across the roof and into the building. Also save. Now you're again controlling the gateway team, to escape get a glass from the shelf next to the door and put it in the statue's hands. Next get Squall and Irvine into the Presidential residence. Now save Rinoa. Boss: Iguions Hp:1717 First draw Carbuncle next use a single boosted Brothers to defeat them. Next you have to lead the gateways through the Sewers, Make sure to get the Weapons monthly issue. Note: See those water wheels in the middle of certain screens? You can jump onto most of them. After the sewers you face a series of cinemas and battles. Be sure to save! Also make sure that Irvine, Rinoa o, and Squall are all junctioned. Boss: Seipher Hp:1150 Use two GF's to beat him. Maybe even one. Boss: Edea Hp:7000 Edea is the hardest boss you've come up against so far. In fact I died four times in the whole game, this was one of them. However I didn't use "the trick". The trick is to use Carbuncle and then use your two strongest GF's to beat her up, when Reflect wears off, just summon Carbuncle again. This limits her to her pathetically weak Astral punch. Also while the Carbuncle member isn't summoning have them draw Dispel, and Double, these junction extremely well to stats and are hard to come by. After Edea's defeat watch the Cinema and insert disc 2. Disc two: Part 5: Back to Balamb Level 24 You start out as Laguna on this disc.[Talk about cliff hangers...] He now lives in Winhill a small little country town. First get the Curaga draw point in Laguna's room [It's hidden]. Then go over to the pub and meet Kiros. Now follow the road to the Item's shop and blow all of your cash. [It doesn't take it out of Squall's account.] Return to the pub, talk to Raine, take a nap, and play as Squall. Squall awakes in the D-district prison. The first thing to do now is to get Zell to the first floor and get all the treasures on the way. They are: 1st floor Combat King 001 Save point 2nd floor Strength Up Pet Nametag 3rd floor Pet House 4th floor Tent 5th floor Card player 6th floor 7th floor 8th floor Item shop 9th floor Berserk Draw point 10th floor Card player Save point 11th floor Thundaga Draw point Card player 12th floor This is as far as I know, the only area in the game with any sort of treasure box. Also after you've gotten these head to floor # eight. When you get their weapons back return to your cell and fight Biggs and Wedge,again. Boss: Biggs[2235] and Wedge[2139]These guys are very easy use two maybe three well boosted GF's to beat them. First though stock up on a ton of Reflects [100 for at least two characters] , Regens [100 for at least two characters], Shell[At least 100 for one character] and Protect[Same amount as Shell]. If you have mug get Bigg's Regen ring and Wedge's Strength love. Also try casting confuse on Biggs and having him hit Wedge... Now follow the Moombas up to the 13th floor to rescue Squall. When escaping press the red button on the control panel, help Zell escape the guards and split up into two parties. [Squall, Rinoa, Zell and Quistis, Selphie, Irvine]. Take Irvine's party to the 3rd floor. Also have Squall's party exit through the top of the prison. Next help Squall across the falling bridge [Just hold the control pad in that direction]. When you split into two teams put Squall, Zell, and Rinoa on the Balamb team, and Quistis, Irvine, and Selphie on the Galbadia team. Have the Galbadia team steal the train and drive to the missile base south of Deling, If you didn't get Brothers earlier it would be a good idea to get them now. In the missile base you should do thing in this order: 1. Use the ID card on the left door. 2. Talk with the maintenance guards on the observation deck. 3. Talk with the maintenance guards in the missile launch bay. 4. Return to the observation deck and talk to the first guards. 5. In the circuit room cause a blackout. Important: Be cooperative and do what the guards ask you to do now. 6. Help push the missile launcher in place. 7. Change the error ratio on the missile control panel. 8. Fight with the command leader in the control room. 9. Check the three panels and disable the missile launcher. 10. Set the self-destruct sequence, and escape. Boss: BGH251F2 Hp: 8400 Have one member summon Quezacotl while another summons Brothers, have the third keep drawing Stop. this should finish him off quickly. When Squall's team returns to Balamb Gardens, they find that the school has divided into two groups that are in some sort of war, the first group the SeeDs, staff and some students are fighting for headmaster Cid. The other group, the faculty, monsters [from the training center] and the rest of the students are working for "Garden Master Norg". This is a long quest, I reccomend having at least 30 Hi potions and several tents. Also make sure that your characters are AT LEAST at level 25. I usually have either Squall, Zell and Rinoa or Squall, Rinoa and Irvine on my team. Your first goal is to save all of the students in each of the downstairs areas of Garden. Talk to some of the students after you save them to get prizes. Next go up to the second floor and talk to Xu. Now go talk to Cid in his office and enter the MD level. In a while you'll come to an elevator, this part took me forever to figure out, even with the Strategy Guide. Check the middle of the floor to find an access panel that you can escape out of. After the elevator open the hatch at the end of the hall. Then turn the valve to open the door in the previous room. Climb the ladder and operate the computer. Continue until you find a lever by a save, hit the lever and save. Boss:Oilboyles Hp:1068 Each The Oilboyles, are weak, very weak against fire. Use a boosted Ifrit and you can defeat them in a single blow. [Maybe two, depending on your level.] After this go to the 2nd floor deck, then to Cid's office, and finally to the dormitory. Awaken and prepare to defeat garden Master NORG. Bosses:NORG[12,200],NORG pod[2000], NORG pod Left[2865], and NORG pod Right[2865]The left and right pods provide the Norg Pod's main offense, by casting spells, they start out blue, then turn yellow, then red then cast a spell, they then revert to blue. However, when you hit the pods, they will regress back a color. You should use Carbuncle at the start of the fight to prevent magic from harming your team. However, be sure that if you use Carbuncle you have your team junctioned to the item ability so that you can still recover yourself. Have one ally concentrate on the right pod since he'll cast dispel on a member to get rid of their Reflect.Have the other two teammates concentrate on using strong magic or GFs against the main Pod. When the pod's defeated and NORG emerges draw Leviathan from him and use strong attacks to finish him off. Also mug him and the Pods. After the battle go to the wreckage and get the Bio drawpoint from the ball of light. Now go visit Cid in the infirmary and speak with Xu [she's by the directory]. After speaking with her go to the 2nd floor deck and speak with the "White SeeDs", then talk to Ellone in the library. Part 6:The Orphanage Level 30 Your next stop is a nice little isolated island town called Fisherman's Horizon [FH]. First drop down below the path connecting Garden to FH, and do what the fisherman tells you to get an Occult Fan III [sell it] and a Megalixer. Nowstop by the Mayor's house. If you have a character on Move- Find than you can find a hidden Ultima drawpoint in his house. Next go to the end of the railroad tracks and face BGH251F2, again. Boss:BGH21F2 Hp:7800 Give each person on your team one of the following: Quezacotl, Brothers, and Leviathan. Have them each use that GF [be sure to boost out] at the start of the battle and you should beat the boss without having to use anything else. Return to Balamb Gardens. After this is done go visit Selphie at the quad and talk to Cid on the bridge. After that it's pretty straight forward about what to do, until after the concert. For the concert there are two songs that the player's guide lists, however the slow dance ends up getting Rinoa mad at Squall. Assign the Instruments in this order: Slow dance:Sax, E.Guitar, Piano, B.Guitar Irish jig:Guitar, Violin, Flute, Tap The next day go to Balamb. This is the list of what is to be done: Talk your way past the guards, visit Zell's mom, Go to the hotel, talk to the soldier by the dog on the dock, check Zell's house, Follow the dog to the train station, follow Raijin back to the hotel. Fight Fujin and Raijin. Boss:Raijin Hp:11,600 Have Squall, and Zell beat the guards, Mug Raijin, then have them die. Raijin won't harm Rinoa, Quistis, or Selphie. Have a girl finish him off, just don't use Thunder on him because he absorbs it. Bosses: Fujin [8700] Raijin [11,600] First of all, make sure that Rinoa is junctioned to the best out of all of your party members. Next draw Pandemona from Fujin. Interestingly, Fujin was the Japanese wind god and she absorbs wind, just like Raijin was the Japanese thunder god and he absorbs thunder, so don't use Quezacotl. Draw Protect and Shell, and use it on Rinoa. However not on your male teammates. The reason for this is when they die it's pretty easy. [Make sure that you Mug Fujin and Raijin before the person with Mug dies.] Once it's just Rinoa Raijin will say: "I don't hit girls 'ya know." So this means you just have to worry about Fujin. Once Rinoa has protect and Shell on her, Fujin won't pose much of a threat either. If Rinoa got the Bio drawpoint from NORG's wreckage have her use it on Fujin and Raijin since they're weak to it. If you run out of Bios have Rinoa use her strongest GF [as long as it isn't Quezacotl]. After the battle return to Balamb Gardens and head towards Trabia Gardens[use the map in the game to find it, press selsect]. At Trabia, first talk to her and her friend by the gargoyle statue. Next wait for Selphie at the basketball court, and then head down the beach. Now head to the orphanage. Before you leave be sure to get the hidden Aura drawpoint on the festival stage. The orphanage, Edea's house is on the bottom westside of the Southmost continent. After that go to Balamb Gardens and go toward Galbadia Gardens which is in a forest near Edea's house. When forming two parties, I would put Squall, Irvine and Selphie on one team, and Zell, Quistis and Rinoa on the other. After teams are chosen go to the Quad, then the bridge, then the quad [with Zell's team], then the front gate. Go to the second floor and talk to all of the people, one of them gives you a cottage. Then fight off the soldiers in the second floor classroom. Go by the elevator to the bridge and speak with Fr. Kadowaki. Then go to the second floor observation deck and go near the emergency exit on the second floor. You'll have to fight a punch/kick battle against a Golbadian Paratrooper. This battle is about 75% Luck and 20% pressing the right buttons and 5% skill. The best thing to do is block each of your opponents attacks. If you get low on life you can use a special "deathblow" attack on the enemy. Use it when you have the chance, but if not use punch as your main attack and kicks to counter enemy attacks. After the fight you'll come to Galbadia gardens, if you don't have the Player's Guide, then I suggest you make a map as you travel through through the Gardens. Simply draw a square for each new room you go in. First, you must get three keys. If you have Diablos equip someone on Encounter None, to speed up the process. To get the first key start at the first screen, which is where you start with Squall and Rinoa[There's an invisible Aura draw point]. Next go straight forward through the front doors, rather than the side doors until you get to the room with Cerberus, a giant three headed dog, in the center of it. [I'll explain how to beat him at the start of the next paragraph right before I tell how to beat Seipher and Edea.] When you see Cerberus, go through the door directly opposite of the one you came in from. When you enter that room go straight downwards, and turn right in the next one. Go upstairs, and in the first second story room turn left. In the second room turn right, the first key is in this room. Now backtrack to the room before Cerberus, and turn right. In this room is the second key. Now go into the room with Cerberus, and again go through the door that is straight across from the door you entered through, and turn left. Here lies the final, third key. To reach Seipher and Edea, go to the room with Cerberus in it. You should face him now [refer to the strategy after this paragraph]. Notice that the room he's in has four paths in it, which for an X. Take the top left route. Now go up the stairs in this room. In this room turn right and save. After saving go to the previous room and turn left, go up the elevator, and face Edea and Seipher. Boss:Cerberus Hp:10,000 [at Level 30]Cerberus is relatively easy as long as you keep him from casting Triple on himself, if he does use Dispel on him immediately. Be sure to draw plenty of Triples from him, since it junctions extremely well to your stats, especially Magic and Speed. Also Mug him to get a Speed-J Scroll. If Cerberus is too tough for you, then don't worry, you can draw him from Gargantua when you face him, which is however at the final boss' castle. It would be greatly to your advantage, though to get this GF now. Boss:Seipher Hp:10,300 Seipher has greatly improved, he times his gunblade attacks and recovers himself with Hu-Potions [which recover him by 1000], plus he has a new limit breaker, Demon Slice. The best team to face him is Squall, Irvine, and Rinoa. Have Squall start to draw Hastes from Seipher, then have Rinoa cast Triple on him. Then have Squall cast haste on your party. Have Squall keep drawing Haste, and have Rinoa recover when necessary. Seipher really isn't that hard. Be sure to still a Mega-Phoenix from him. After you defeat Seipher here go down the elevator and keep going right, save when you get to the circular room and go to through the door on the far side of the room to reach... Bosses:Seipher[7400] Edea[16,000]You face Seipher first, he's much easier this time and all of his statistics are lower except for his Vitality [Vit] which has increased by about 40. Start by mugging him to get a Hero or if you're really lucky, a Holy War. Heroes make a member of your team completely invincible for about a minute or two, Holy Wars work the same way except for that they work on your whole team. Have your whole team gang up on Seipher for a quick defeat. When Edea comes, mug her and draw the GF Alexander from her. You sure have been getting a lot of GFs lately. Your old strategy with Carbuncle won't work since she has dispel and several spells, including Maelstrom which will break through your Reflect. She also casts Death when she gets low on Hp, so try to refine some Deaths before the battle and Junction them to your team's status Defense. Use Diablos if you have him along with Demi, which you can draw from her to beat her quickly.After the battle you insert disc 3. Disc three: Part 7:The Hidden City Disc 3 is very short. You're first task should be to speak with an unconscious Rinoa in the infirmary. After speaking with her, you get to control Laguna again. Not just journalist or soldier Laguna, though, it's movie star Laguna this time! Real quick though, he has to fight a Ruby Dragon the battle is similar to the paratrooper fight you did right before you entered Galbadia gardens at the end of disc 2. The fight is easier though. Always block the dragon's attacks, even if it means missing a chance to hit him. When he bends his neck back though, attack him, then immediately block. After you defeat him there you'll face him in an actual fight, be sure to first get Kiros and Ward junctioned. The Ruby Dragon is sort of a mini-boss. It will most likely have 18-30 thousand Hp, depending on your level. The dragon is weak to Ice and Holy, so summon Shiva and Alexander. You may also want to use an aura spell on Kiros, since his limit breaker hits multiple times. In fact it's very similar to Squall's if you think about it. Mug the dragon and use the item you get on Quistis. Go to Edea's house and talk to her. Now go find the White SeeD ship. The White SeeD ship is north of Edea's house in a small chain of islands. The ship is very small so look carefully. On the ship talk to the leader, then Zone and Watts, then talk to the leader again. Now go to Salt Lake it's just southeast of Balamb. Go up the monster skull at the start of the lake to get two draw points, then go back down. The path is very straightforward. There's a save and a boss. Boss: Abadon Hp:17,010 This boss caries Flare, which is an extremely good magic to junction, stock up on Flare from him, then use a single Phoenix Down to destroy him. After the boss fight, it will seem that you've come to a deadend, after a while climb up the invisible wall, as if it were a ladder. Now ride the elevator to Esthar. Now you'll play as Laguna. Talk to the security guard and prisoners, until the guard leaves. Now talk to the prisoners and help out the Moomba. Have Laguna listen in on Odine's conversation and search the room for the 1st issue of Weapons monthly. Go down after Odine and ride the elevator to the control room. Now unlock the doors and free Ellone. As Squall go through Esthar and buy anything you need, then rent a car and go to the Lunar Gate. Talk to the staff member and board the waiting capsules. As Zell return to Odine's lab and Catch Lunatic Pandora. Catching Lunatic Pandora is fairly easy go to the right of Odine's lab and take path out from the top. It helps if you have Encounter- None equipped on someone. If you miss Lunatic Pandora in the first area, you can find it at the skyway crossing[10 -5 for your time] and then North of the shopping mall [3-0 for your time]. Be sure to visit all of the shops in Esthar,n this will help out a lot when you have the call shop ability. Don't worry about getting anything in Lunatic Pandora you'll soon be forced out; you'll return later though. Part 8:The Ragnarok On the Lunar Base talk to Piet in the Lunar Dock then pick up Rinoa and go to the Med lab with her. Examine the monitor and talk with Ellone on the second floor. Then return to the Med lab. After that go to the control room. Now go to the second floor's locker room, put on a spacesuit and go through the airlock. Return to the control room and speak with Ellone and Piet, this would be a good time to play cards with them. Ellone has Laguna's card and Piet had Alexander's. After speaking to Ellone and evacuating, save Rinoa, in space. Do this by lining your arms up so that she lands in between them. Next you'll find Squall and Rinoa in the Ragnarok. Your task here is to eliminate the Propagator aliens. To do so you must defeat one alien then immediately defeat the other one of the same color. [Don't fight any battles in between or it won't count.] The task is actually fairly easy. After the Propagators are gone, go upstairs to the bridge. Then sit at the controls, there will be a lot of talking. After you regroup with the others fly to the sorceress memorial. After you free Rinoa go to Edea's house, and follow Angelo to the flower field. Then return to the Presidential palace in Esthar and talk to Mr. President. Your next job is returning to Lunatic Pandora. Make sure that you have done the following side-quests before you enter Lunatic Pandora. Since they are inaccessible in disc four: Winhill, Centra ruins [Odin, and Tonberry King], and CC Group. In Lunatic Pandora, Battle Fujin and Raijin, then ride the elevators, fight Mobile Type 8, and Challenge Seipher. On disc four go fight Adel. Bosses:Fujin [18,200] Raijin [22,600] Start by mugging the duo. Now have one member start drawing Full-Life from Fujin [if the get 100 have them draw Curaga]. Have a second person cast shell and protect on your team, as well as triple. Then have squall repeatedly summon Doomtrain, or if you don't have him yet cast Bio. Boss: Seipher [34,500]What the? Odin appeared during a boss fight....oh, that had to hurt. Who's that guy with Odin's sword? Gogo [from FF6], not quite more like his stronger big brother or something. It's Gilgamesh! After Gilgamesh leaves draw Auras from him. Then use Meltdown and have Irvine use Fast Ammo. Boss:Adel [51,000] Mug Adel then use the same strategy on her that you used on Seipher. Also mug Rinoa, she has Elixir. After you mug Rinoa cast Regen on her so that she doesn't die. Note: Adel is weak to Wind, however don't use Pandemona on her since it will also harm Rinoa [who has up to 9036 Hp]. After defeating Adel, you'll face multiple sorceresses. Draw the good magic they have, and mug them, use GF's to beat them. After the sorceresses you'll land in the Time- Compressed World. This world isn't much different except for that you can't go to towns in it. You can still buy supplies and remodel weapons however, thanks to some of Tonberry's abilities. At this point you can finish up any Side quests, or fight Ultimecia. Simply walk up the chain thing to her castle to fight her. If you exit her castle you'll see a warp gate next to you. Simply go into a warp gate to travel back to her castle. To find the Ragnarok in Disc four, to find it go through the second Warp gate in Ultimecia's castle, and go to the nearest Chocobo forest [which is near the northen tip of the continent]. Ride the Chocobo to the south until you see a beach. Now ride across the ocean and you'll be near Edea's house. Now ride to the East by the mountains, and watch out for a small pass in between them, ride through it to the Kashkabald desert where you'll find the Ragnarok. To find the Queen of Cards first get the Ragnarok. Then fly just south of Esthar to the Abadan plains. Her escape pod is near where Piet's crash site in disc 3 was. It is however, invisible on the map. By challenging her you can gain any of the cards you could have got during the queen of cards side quest. However she plays with nearly every rule in the book, including "Random". In the random rule your hand is randomly chosen for you, so you may want to refine most of your really bad cards so that you won't end up getting stuck with them. If you don't think your ready for Ultimecia yet then then look below: Need experience points to gain levels? Go to Deling City and fly to the west most island next to it. Or go to the island eastmost of the Esther continent. These to islands, are the islands closest to Heaven and closest to Hel. Here every monster is at level 100! Plus the island [especially the boarders] are loaded with invisible draw points for the strongest spells. Need AP for GFs to learn skills? Go to Cactaur island, to get there go to the Centra ruins, then travel directly east and you'll see a landform, go to the North tip of it and go to the island East of it. You're there! Her the Cactaurs live, they have incredibly high evede but each defeated Cactaur gives you 20 AP! The Jumbo Cactaur GF also lives here. For a strategy on how to beat him go to the GF section. Need Cash to buy supplies? Have the Tonberry King learn Call shop, Familiar, Haggle and Sell high. Now go to a shop and Buy 100 Tents and 100 Cottages. Refine these into Mega Potions and sell them. You'll earn a profit, [a large one too] do this long enough and you can buy whatever you need. Note:Before you go through Ultimecia's castle try junctioning this combination for each of your teammates: Hp = Full-Life Strength = Meteor Vitality = Meltdown Magic = Ultima Spirit = Reflect Speed = Triple Evade = Tornado Hit = Double Luck= Aura Part 9:Ultimecia's Castle When you arrive at Ultimecia's castle you'll have to divide into two teams. Your main team should consist of Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine. Start by saving. Now go directly forward and face the first of the eight bosses, Sphinxaur [Be sure to have someone junctioned to Encounter none at all times.] Sphinxaur/Sphinxara:[10,000 each] Use Regular hits and if you've built your strength up enough you can defeat Sphinxaur, in a single round. Do the same to Sphinxara.[Unlock your magic.] Walk past where Sphinxaur was and onto the chandelier, it will fall and break open a rusted door. Climb down until you see Tri-Point. Boss:Tri-Point [22,400] Use Meltdown and regular attacks, don't waste Auras on limit breaks. Junction Thundaga to your element defense. [Unlock your Items.] Note:You can draw Siren from Tri-Point if you missed her earlier in the game. Now have your second party and having them go onto the chandelier. Once it falls have them hit the switch in the green light. [Only hit it once.] Then the other team should go back to the beginning and can now safely cross the chandelier. [To switch teams walk into one of the green pools of light.] Boss:Krysta [16,000] This shouldn't be much of a surprise...Meltdown and attack, attack, attack! [Unlock GFs] Note: You can draw Carbuncle from Krysta if you missed drawing it earlier. Now go back to the Foyer [front room] and go through the door to the right of the balcony.There will be a bunch of paintings look around the area and press the command button to look at them. You'll notice one of them is nameless. Find and look at the twelve with names. Then return to the big nameless one. For it's name put VIVIDARIUM INTERVIGILIUM VIATOR. A large creature will appear behind you... Boss:Trauma[34,114] Either use Doomtrain, Cactaur and Pandemona, or use Meltdown and regulars. [From now on unlock any ability you like.] Note: You can draw Leviathan from Trauma if you missed him earlier. Go into the room beyond the art gallery and go downstairs until you find a watery dungeon. Go through the left door and get the key from the corpse's hand. Now the Red giant appears... Boss:Red Giant [30,000] Use Meltdown and Blind then regulars or GFs. Note: You can draw Pandemona from the boss if you missed it earlier. Go back to the main foyer and follow the hall on the bottom left until you find an old bridge. On it lies a key, WALK across the bridge and get it, if you run it will fall into the water trough closest to the door, in the dungeon with Iron Giant. Use the key to unlock the armory in the watery dungeon. Boss:Gargantua [15,400] Gargantua is a Vysage. Hit him. Done. Simple? Not quite. Now he turns into the real Gargantua, he counterattacks physical hits, his counterattck though isn't strong at all if you cast Protect, or have your Vit higher than 200. Use GFs or the usual procedure to beat him very easily. Note: you can draw cerberus from gargantua if you missed getting cerberus in galbadia gardens. Go to the left of the foyer to a tilted hall. In the tilted hall there is a hidden door to the left, go through it to the treasure vault. There's a treasure box puzzle. I'll number the boxes from left [1] to right [4]. The answer is: Shut box 1, Shut box 4, Shut box 2, Open box 3. Simple, eh? Boss:Catoblepas [60,000] First junction Thundaga to your elemental defense. Now start the fight. Use Meltdown and Fast Ammo to take off up to twice his Hp. Note: Alexander can be drawn if you missed him earlier. Go to the clock tower, which is near the old bridge. Climb it until you see a large bell, use the command button to jump when it gets near you. On the other side is Tiamat, pretty much Bahamut's evil twin. Boss:Tiamat[89,600] Tiamat only has one attack, Dark Flare, which it must charge up for. This way using the same strategy as Catoblepas you can beat him before he even can hit you.Note: If you haven't gotten Eden yet you can draw him from Tiamat. Take this time to refine all of your Level 8, 9, and 10 Triple Triad Cards. You'll get some really great stuff by doing so. If you want to fight Omega weapon here's how to beat him. go get the first team to the water fountain near the old bridge, get the second team to the room before the art gallery and have them ring the bell. Switch teams and have the first team go into the room straight forward, the chapel. Here you'll see a monster IF your time hasn't ran out. Walk into him and fight him. Note that fighting Omega weapon is OPTIONAL, not required. Boss:Omega weapon[1,161,000] Omega Weapon is only too words- very easy. Use A holy War on your team [you get 10 from the Gilgamesh card], this makes them completely invincible for a short time. Now use Meltdown and Aura on everyone. Using All of your fast ammo and some normal as well as some of Squall's limits will finish him off. Note that you. Now you're ready to face Ultimecia. Ultimecia's lair is just beyond the clock tower. Be sure to save, and recover before facing her. Boss:Ultimecia [???] There are five stages in the final battle. Put together there is a lot of Hp that you have to get rid of. That though, is VERY easy to do. Personally, I thought that the first FF game was harder to beat. Use Cerberus then Aura on each teammate. You may have heard that Lionheart was the strongest Limit Breaker, but it's not. The strongest Limit Breaker is Fast Ammo. If Irving's strength is 255, and you use Meltdown then each shot will take of 9999. With fast ammo, you can attack up to 30 - 50 times easily. That means up to 500,000 Hp damage in a single Limit Breaker! It should only take from 5-7 Holy wars to get you through this fight. Use lots of limit breakers though! Oh, one last thing. the team Ultimecia gives you is chosen randomly. So if you don't get Irvine either reset or have someone on your team die, they'll get replaced after a while. There's only one thing left to do... watch the awesome ending............ [Oh, and DON'T reset until you see it say The End. [the credits are great.] |