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Crystalis Walkthrough
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Walkthrough is designed for the Game Boy Color version of Crystalis which differs somewhat from the NES version. Although the games are about 90% the same, there are some differences between the quests in the two games.You start near the town of Leaf, go left from where you start to reach in. Once you've gotten to the town go to the upper-left house. The man inside will give you the Sword of Wind. Now go north of the town [after equipping the sword] and go to the cave to the North East and get the ALarm Flute, then head back to the west to Zebu's cave and talk to him, Now go North to the Windmill and awaken the sleeping man in the cave then with his key start up the Windmill. Now go back to the home of Zebu to earn the Refresh spell, which recovers lost Hp. Buy the Tanned Hide from the shop in Leaf if you don't already have it, Armor protects you from direct hits from enemies; such as swords or bumping into them and Shields protect you from projectile attacks like arrows or fireballs. Now go to the cave west of the Windmill. Some walls in this area must be destoyed by using a powered up Wind Sword. In the cave are also three treasure chests,[ make sure ot get the ball of wind] to get through the cave, at the start go north and left to go up some stairs and don to go across a bridge, now go right and up through a door, from here take the first turn you see and go up and to the right, now follow the path to get to the first boss.To beat him power up the wind sword to Level 2 and attack him from a distance to easily defeat him, you're prize is a pair of Rabbit Boots. After the Vampire go through the cave to Brynmaer, and buy a shiled at the town, then go talk to Akhana and learn about his lost statue, you can find it North of Brynmaer and East until you find a bridge leading South, go down it and in the grass is a treasure box, containing the ststue. Give the statue to Akhana for the gass mask. The gass mask lets you pass through poisonous gasses, before doing so go to the far North of Brynmaer to a small building,inside is Tornel's training studio. Defeat his student, Stom, to get the Telepathy spell. Now go past the bridge and East of where you found Akhana's statue, to discover a small swamp go across it and to the East to find a path leading to a very large swamp. In the swmap you must have the gas mask equipped, or else you'll lose lots of Hp. In the swamp lies a small town of dwarves [they loo more like rabbits that can talk] speak to them and find the woman that lost her child, then find the child in the swamp and talk to him to have him follow you, take him back to Oak and speak with the people to earn the Insect Flute and the Fire Sword. Go to the top-right area of the swamp and use the insect flute, this will summon a boss.The Bug king shoots projectiles at you that you can dodge, power up the Fire Sword to Level 1 and attack to really harm him. You'll win the Ball of Fire from him. Now go back to Brynmaer and head Southalong the mountains to reach a mountain on the right called Mt. Sabre South. At Mt. Sabre South watch out for Snow men, they give off lots of Exp. but they are best attacked from a distance. Inside the Mountain you'll find Walls of Ice that must be melted away with a Powered up Fire sword. You'll eventually find the Tornado Bracelet, which gives you the level 3 Wind sword. Look on the mountain for Tornel, who will give you the Teleport spell, use it to return to Leaf, and go to the shed and talk to the rabbit. Then return to Oak and head along the mountain range and go north to reach the Northern end of Mt. Saber. At Mt. Sabre there's an inn to rest at stay there and save. this is a good area to build your levels up at. Continue up the mountain and use the Fire Sword to melt the Ice, and be sure to find the Flame Braacelet. At the top you'll fight General Kelbesque. You must be at least at Level 7 to harm him. The best tactic to use is power up the Fire Sword to level 3and attack him while running away from him to avoid his attacks. After Mt. Sabre go past the mountain to reach a new area of land. From here go along the west coast until you find a bridge leading left, pass it to reach the town of Portroa. Visit the queen in Portroa then the fortune teller, then the queen again, do this a few times,until you get the Flute of Lime. To reach the Queen use the Paralyse spell against the guards. Outisde go North and East to reach a waterfall, walk through it. When you meet the stone people [turn left near the beginning] use the Flute of Lime on them.Be sure to find the sword of Water [it's after you restore the petrified soldiers]. Go left from the Sword of Water. Also find the Shield Ring. Head SouthWest of Portroa to find Rage, he will give you the Ball of Ice. Buy a Medical Herb from Portroa and head throught the tunnel you used while talking between the fortune teller and queen. There will be a dolphin there, give him the herb. You'll also gain the Recover spell from Asina. Go East from the cave containing the Water Sword, if you see a spot where the watter looks a bit different try freezing it with the Level 2 Water Sword. After crossing the water enter the cave and get the Fog Lamp, after this go across the river that lies East of Rage's to gain the Kirisa Plant. Return to Portroa and head to the far west side, there will be a dock that you can go on to go to the sea. While at sea you can call your Dolphin friend to ride on. Go to the center Island to reach the town of Joel. Talk to all of the people and gain the Necklace of Fire to open the gate to Spirit Island, also buy any neccessary items. In Spirit Island go through the door to reach the second floor. Now head left, and go throught the upper part to reach a door and The Iron Necklace. Note: DO NOT EQUIP THE NECKALCE YET, it increases your Defense but the ammount varries upon your level, if you equip it now it won't boost your defense as much and once you unequip it it will still only boost it by a small ammount, wait until you are at Level 16 to equip the necklace. At the end of the cave is the enterence to Zombie Town. Enter the fortress at the Northern edge of town. Go through this fortress until you reach the 4-way intersection and head all the way to the right and up, you'll meet some Vampires that you must defeat. If you see a Shadow it means that there is a ghost there, zap it with a Level 3 sword attack, this makes the ghosts appear and if you defeat them will gain 1,000 Experience points. Go back to Zombie Town and go to the bottom left building's cellar to talk to Clarck and get the Eyeglasses, then go to Joel. In Joel use them in the Woodshed to get the Glowing Lamp. Use the glowing lamp to fix the broken statue, then take it to the NorthWestern island [ The Sea Alter]. Just East of the Sea Alter there are two rocks together, go between them to reach the next part of the Sea, and to get the Barrier spell.Keep going north past the twin rocks and go East to reach a cave leading to Swan. In the town of Swan, talk ot Stom in the Woodshed, Paralyze the soldier in the Pub, and talk to him. Then go in the building to the right and talk to Kensu in disguise to get the Change spell. Warp back to Brynmaer and go South to reach the Amazones, use Change to become a girl and enter the town. Give the Queen the Kirisa plant and receive the Bow of Moon. Go behind the throne and down the stairs to get the Blizzard bracelet. Teleport back to Swan and transform into a soldier you'll be able to fool the gurads and access Mount Hydra. Head left from the start of the mountain and follow the paths to reach Shyron. Get past the lava by freezing it with the sword of water. Talk to your allies, and get the Key of Styx from Zebu. Head East from the enterence of Shyron and go North to reach The cave of Styx. Inside it go right at the intersection, you'll have to fight a witch. Use the Rabbit boots to hop over the spikes and reach the treasure box containing the Thunder Sword. Exit Mt. Hydra from the exit to Swan, and enter Goa [it's Between Mt. Hydra and Swan]. Buy suplies there then go South. You'll reach a desert go inside the Oasis cave, and you can get the Leather Boots and the Power Ring. Go back to Goa and use Change to transform into Zebu. Now go to the NorthEastern house in Goa and talk to the girl. She'll give you the Warrior Ring, one of the strongest Items in the game. Go to the North part of Goa and enter the fortress. ![]() ![]() ![]() The arrows show stairs and where they lead to. Also fight lots of the soldiers in Kelbesque's section to gain levels quickly, equip the Warrior Ring and you can defeat them without losing Hp or Mp. At the end of each section you'll have to fight a boss. [Either Kelbesque, Sabera, or Mado]. To easily defeat them equip the Warrior Ring and the Barrier spell, then hold the A and B buttond down to continuously use them both. After each Boss a magician will restore you. After defeating Karmine in the Fortress of Goa. Use the Ivory statue to heal Kensu. Return to Mt. Hydra and turn right at the enterence then go to the cave on the right again. Follow these caves until you reach A gap between two mountains, use Flight to go across it and reach the other side that contains the Bow of Sun. Return to the desert south of Goa and go into the lava lakes. Use Flight to enter a cave leading to the town of Sahara. In the town use Change to transform into Stom and then speak with his father to get Stom's pendant. Buy supplies, rest in the Inn, Save and go out of Sahara into the Pyramid and use the Flight spell to enter it. In it you'll have to fight Dragonia and you'll gain the Bow of Truth. Use the Warrior's Ring and Barrier spell to defeat Dragonia. After the Pyramid go to the structure North of it, once again you must use Flight to enter. Two gaurdians will appear use the Bow on Moon, against the guardian with th Moon symbol above his head, and the Bow of Sun against the guardian with the Sun symbol above his head. Inside you'll find a warp to the Sky Tower. Be sure to have the Psycho Armor equipped. If you are running low on hp, find a safe spot to hide from the enemies and wait for you're Hp to refill [this only works if the Psycho Armor is equipped]. Also use Stom's Pendant to restore Mp. You'll face DYNA a computer defense system, to harm it attack it in it's eye. IMPORTANT: If you are Playing the NES version of the game the game is over after DYNA's defeat, and you'll see the ennding. If you're playing the Game Boy Color version you'll have to go through a maze area then face Dragonia, after which you get a different ending [the GBC ending really sucks]. To beat Dragonia use the Barrier spell and the Warrior Ring, Dragonia is surprisingly easy, but the maze before him can take an hour or so to get through [depending on which paths you take]. |