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Final Fantasy 7 Cast
CastCloud Aeris Tifa Barret Red XIII Cid Cait Sith Sephiroth Yuffie Vincent Cloud Strife Job: Mercenary Ex-member of Soldier Age: 21 Weapon: SwordHeight: 5' 7" Birthdate: Augest 19 Birthplace: Nibelheim Blood Type: AB Cloud is the main charcter who some how manages to lift his gigantic sword despite his small 5 ' 7" 125 lbs. built, he used to be a member of the elite military group known as SOLDIER. While serving in SOLDIER he met Sephiroth and was injected with Mako energy. He joins AVALANCHE only for two reasons: helping Tifa, and even more importantly for the money. Aeris Gainsborough Job: Flower Merchant Age: 22 Weapon: Rod Height: 5' 3" Birthdate: February 7 Birthplace: Unknown Blood Type: O Possibly the last of the "Ancients" [also called the Cetra] she is sought after by Shinra. She meets Cloud early on in the game and asks him to become her bodyguard. Her parents died when she was young and all she has remaining of them is a mysterious peice of Materia that seems to be absolutely useless. Tifa Lockheart Job: Bar Hostess, AVALANCHE Member Age: 20 Weapon: Glove Height: 5' 4' Birthdate: May 3 Birthplace: Nibleheim Blood Type: B A childhood friend of Cloud she persuaded him yo join AVALANCHE after he helped out on the first mission. She seems jealous of Aeris and how Cloud treats her. She owns the 7th Heaven Bar in Sector 7 of Midgar that serves as AVALANCHE's base and a place to stay for Marlene while Barret is off with the others. Barret Wallace Job: Leader of AVALANCHE Age: 35 Weapon: Gunarm Height: 6'4" Birthdate: December 15 Birthplace: Corel Village Blood Type: O The founder and leader of the anti-Shinra group AVALANCHE. He lost is left arm in a battle and has replaced it with a mechanical "Gunarm". He acts unkind to Cloud because of having to hire him to help and Cloud's lack of caring for the palnet. Barrets wife died in an accident several years ago and he lives in Midgar with his daughter Marlene. Red XIII Job: Beast Age: 48 Weapon: Headdress Height: 3' 9" Birthdtae:Unknown Birthplace: Cosmo Canyon Blood Type: Unknown Code-Named Red XIII by Hojo, the leader of science at Shinra Inc. He was taken as a test specimen for Hojo's experiments. Although he resembles a savage beast his intelegence surpasses that of almost any other living creature. He keeps to himself and joins AVALANCHE temporarily after being freed from Hojo's test lab by Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Cid Highwind Job: Pilot Age: 32 Weapon: Spear Height: 5' 8" Birthdate: February 22 Birthplace: Unknown Blood type: B An old pilot you was schedualed to go into outer space, he lives in the small town of Rocket Town. He still flies and works on his planes reguarly and despises Shinra for cutting off their funds to the space program, and though you'd never know it be looking at him, he is descended from Kain Highwind a Dragoon in Final Fantasy IV [FF II in the U.S.]. Cait Sith Job: Fortune Teller Age: Unknown Weapon: Megaphone Height: 3'2" Birthdate: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Blood type: Unknown Caith Sith sits atop a huge stuffed Mog which he claims to have magically brought to life. He is a fortune teller by trade but his predictions very seldomly come true. Not the most trustworthy person in the world he joins Cloud for no appearant reason, after meeting him at the Gold Saucer, though he may look funny his weapons and especially Limit Breakers can pack a punch. Sephiroth Job: Top ranking SOLDIER officer Age: Unknown Weapon: Long Sword [Katana] Height: 6'1" Birthdate: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Blood type: Unknown Sephiroth is the highest ranked troop in the entire SOLDIER organization. No one has ever seen him bleed or cry, his past his unknown, even to himself. along with his gigantic 6' long sword Masamune, he has been said to have killed more people than any other person in the owrld. He was said to have disappeared years ago in a war. Yuffie Kisaragi Job: Materia Hunter Age: 16 Weapon: Boomerang Height: 5'2" Birthdate: November 20 Birthplace: Wutai Blood type: A The descendant of an acient Ninja clan, Yuffie is actually more of a thief than anything. She sneaks around in the jungle and will attack unsuspecting people for their materia. Despite her selfishness and arrogance she is a valuble member of your team, and when needed can be quite the fighter. Vincent Valentine Job: Unemployed Age: 27 Weapon: Gun Height: 6' Birthdate: October 13 Birthplace: Unknown Blood type: A A former member of the Shinra organization known as the Turks, he was shoved into a coffin and experiemented on by Hojo, as a result of this he's become almost 'undead' and has gained the ablity to hover. He next to Sphiroth is the most mysterious person you gain on your team. He was once in love with Hojo of Shinra's wife. |