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Final Fantasy 5 Job Classes
In Final Fantasy 5, as you progress throughout the game you'll gain Job crystals from hte shards of the elemental crystals. As you chose fight as a certain jobclass you'll gain AP from it and learn abilities specific to that class, you can change job classes whenever you want. Once you master a job class [by getting enough Ap] you'll be able to use all of the inate commands you would have had with that job class when you're set on BARE [no job class] for example, after you master the Knight job class, you will be able to equip Swords, Shields, when your set on Bare. So eventually Bare and Mime wil be your two best classes.Name [How to get job class] Default Command Desrciption Job LV Name AP Needed Type Effect Knight Monk Blue Mage Thief Black Mage White Mage Berserker Sorcerer [Sword Mage] Time Mage Summoner Red Mage Trainer Geomancer Ninja Bard Hunter [Archer] Samurai Lancer [Dragoon] Dancer Chemist Mime Job Class Reference Charts Knight [Found in Wind Crystal Shrine] Default command: Guard Masters of the sword. High Offensive and defensive power but no magic ability whatsoever. Lv1 Cover 10 [Auto. Battle] Protect an ally with low Hp Lv2 Guard 30 [Command] Protect self from any Phys. damage Lv3 2-Haded50 [Automatic] Use both hands to increase weap. Pwr. Lv4 Eq.Shld 100 [Automatic] Can equip Shield regaurdless of class Lv5 Eq. Armr150[Automatic] Can equip Armor regaurldess of class Lv6 Eq. Swrd350[Automatic] Can equip Sword regaurdless of class Total Ap needed to master class: 690 Monk [Found in Wind Crystal Shrine] Default command: Store Experts at Martial Arts. They have the highest Vigor [Strength] in the game, and don't require weapons to deal out a large ammount of damage. Lv1 Store 15 [Command] Charge power for double dam. next turn Lv2 Barefist 30 [Automatic] Gain same Vigor as a Monk Lv3 Chackra45 [Command] Restores soem Hp plus abnormal stat. Lv4 Counter 60 [Auto. Battle] Counter att. sometimes when phys. hit Lv5 Hp+10%100[Automatic] Increases Maximum Hp by 10% Lv6 Hp+20%150[Automatic] Increases maximum Hp by 20% Lv7 Hp+30%300[Automatic] Increases Maximum Hp by 30% Total Ap needed to master class: 700 Blue Mage [Found in Wind Crystal Shrine] Default command: Blue Mages that can learn and use the skills of their enemies. A bit stronger physically than most other mages. Lv1 Check 10 [Command] Check enemy's Hp and weakness Lv2 Learning20 [Auto. Battle] Learn enemy skill reguardless of class Lv3 Blue 70 [Command] Use Enemy Skill regaurdless of class Lv4 View 250 [Command] Check enemy's Hp/Weak/ Condition Total Ap needed to master class: 350 Thief [Found in Wind Crystal Shrine] Default command: Steal Swift characters that can steal Items from enemies in battle. Fairly weak physically and have no use of magic or special skills. Lv1 Secret 10 [Auto. Map] Can see hidden passages Lv2 Flee 20 [Command] Escape very quickly from battles Lv3 Dash 30 [Auto. Map] Hold O [on PSX version] to run Lv4 Steal 50 [Command] Steal items from enemies in battle Lv5 Caution 75 [Automatic] Protect against back attack Lv6 Mug 150 [Command] Steal item from enamy and harm them Lv7 Footwrk 300 [Automatic] Gain same speed as a Thief Total Ap needed to master class: 635 Black Mage [Found in Wind Crystal Shrine] Default command: Black Battle mages. Use offensive magic to deal large ammounts of damage. They are extremely weak physically. Lv1 BlackL1 10 [Command] Can use Level 1 Black Magic Lv2 BlackL2 20 [Command] Can use Level 2 Black Magic Lv3 BlackL3 30 [Command] Can use Level 3 Black Magic Lv4 BlackL4 50 [Command] Can use Level 4 Black Magic Lv5 BlackL5 70 [Command] Can use Level 5 Black Magic Lv6 BlackL6 100[Command] Can use Level 6 Black Magic Lv7 Mp+30%400[Command] Increases Maximum Mp by 30% Total Ap needed to master class: 680 White Mage [Found in Wind Crystal Shrine] Default command: White Recovery mages. Use defensive magic to recover and aid allies. Liek Black Mages they are also extremely weak physically. Lv1 WhiteL1 10 [Command] Can use Level 1 White Magic Lv2 WhiteL2 20 [Command] Can use Level 2 White Magic Lv3 WhiteL3 30 [Command] Can use Level 3 White Magic Lv4 WhiteL4 50 [Command] Can use Level 4 White Magic Lv5 WhiteL5 70 [Command] Can use Level 5 White Magic Lv6 WhiteL6 100 [Command] Can use Level 6 White Magic Lv7 Mp+10%300 [Command] Increases Maximum Mp by 10% Total Ap needed to master class: 580 Berserker [Found in Walz Tower] Default command: None [Berserkes so can't use commands] Very strong warriors that are constantly berserked. They have the highest attack power out of any job class. Lv1 Berserk 100 [Auto. Battle] Att. continously, despite your class Lv2 Equ.Axe 400 [Automatic] Can equip Axe regaurdless of class Total Ap needed to master class: 500 Sorcerer [Sword Mage] [Found in Walz Tower] Default command: Sword Mages that cast elemental and status invoking spells on their swords. They are physically stronger than any other kind of mage and extremely useful. Lv1 MagWal 10 [Auto. Battle] Auto. cast MBarrier when near KO. Lv2 SwordL1 20 [Command] Can use Level 1 Sword Magic Lv3 SwordL2 30 [Command] Can use Level 2 Sword Magic Lv4 SwordL3 50 [Command] Can use Level 3 Sword Magic Lv5 SwordL4 70 [Command] Can use Level 4 Sword Magic Lv6 SwordL5 100[Command] Can use Level 5 Sword Magic Lv7 SwordL6 400[Command] Can use Level 6 Sword Magic Total Ap needed to master class: 680 Time Mage [Found in Walz Tower] Default command: Time Time and space mages. Use mainly use magic that is neuther recovery or offensive. Lv1 TimeL1 10 [Command] Can use Level 1 Time Magic Lv2 TimeL2 20 [Command] Can use Level 2 Time Magic Lv3 TimeL3 30 [Command] Can use Level 3 Time Magic Lv4 TimeL4 50 [Command] Can use Level 4 Time Magic Lv5 TimeL5 70 [Command] Can use Level 5 Time Magic Lv6 TimeL6 100 [Command] Can use Level 6 Time Magic Lv7 Eq. Rod 250 [Automatic] Can equip Rod regaurdless of class Total Ap needed to master class: 530 Summoner [Caller] [Found In Walz Tower] Default command: Summon Expert mages that can summon mystical creatures for both offensive and defensive effects. They are physically, the weakest of all the job classes. Lv1 SumnL1 15 [Command] Can use Level 1 Summon Magic Lv2 SumnL2 30 [Command] Can use Level 2 Summon Magic Lv3 SumnL3 45 [Command] Can use Level 3 Summon Magic Lv4 SumnL4 60 [Command] Can use Level 4 Summon Magic Lv5 SumnL5 100 [Command] Can use Level 5 Summon Magic Lv6 Call 500 [Command] Call random mon. without using Mp Total Ap needed to master class: 750 Red Mage [Found in Walz Tower] Default command: Red Mages that can use both Black and White magic, however they can only use the first three levels of each. Lv1 RedL1 20 [Command] Can use Level 1 Black/White Mag. Lv2 RedL2 40 [Command] Can use Level 2 Black/White Mag. Lv3 RedL3 100 [Command] Can use Level 3 Black/White Mag. Lv4 Red X2 999 [Command] Can use Red Mag. twice in one turn Total Ap needed to master class: 1159 Trainer [Found in the Fire Ship] Default command: Catch Monster Trainers that can capture monsters when they are weakened and then release them later to aid in battle. Lv1 Tame 10 [Command] Can calm monsters Lv2 Control 50 [Command] Can control monsters Lv3 Eq.Whp100 [Automatic] Can equip Whip regrdless. of class Lv4 Catch 300 [Command] Can catch certain monsters Total Ap needed to master class: 460 Geomancer [Found in the Fire Ship] Default command: Earth Semi-mages that can use the terain that they are fighting in agianst their enemies. Lv1 Earth 25 [Command] Attack based on your surroundings Lv2 Findhol 50 [Auto. Map] Can see hidden holes on the map Lv3 Anti-trap100 [Auto. Map] No damage on trap floors Total Ap needed to master class: 175 Ninja [Found in the Fire Ship] Default command: Throw Steath fighters with high Speed ratings. they can equip two weapons at a time, a great skill each charatcer should learn from them. Lv1 Dustb 10 [Command] Escape quickly from battles Lv2 Twin 30 [Command] Illusion lts you evade two phys. hits Lv3 1stAttck50 [Automatic] Raises rate of pre-emptive battles Lv4 Throw 150 [Command] Throw weapons [Not Bow or Harp] Lv5 2-Swrds 450 [Automatic] Equ. 2 Weapons [Not Bow or Harp] Total Ap needed to master class: 690 Bard [Found in Chocobo Forest] Default command: Sing Fairly weak charcters that use songs in battle for offensive and defensive purposes. Songs take no Mp to use. Lv1 Hide 25 [Command] Hide to avoid taking any damage Lv2 Eq.Harp 50 [Command] Equip Harp regaurdless of class Lv3 Sing 100 [Command] Sing magic songs Total Ap needed to master class: 175 Hunter [Archer] [Found in Chocobo Forest] Deafault command: Aim Medium strength character, fairly useless besides their Sshot command which is very useful. Critter is like a scaled down version of Summon. Lv1 Critter 15 [Command] Calls on animal friends to aid you Lv2 Aim 45 [Command] Raise accuracy to a definate 100% Lv3 Eq. Bow135 [Automatic] Can equip Bow regaurdless of class Total Ap needed to master class: 195 Samurai [Found in Earth Shrine] Default command: $toss [Gp Toss] Good physically tough character abotu as strong as a Knight or Dragoon [Lancer]. Gp Toss can be vaery strong but consumes your money to use. Lv1 Sslap 10 [Command] Attack that petrifies the target Lv2 $toss 30 [Command] Attack by throwing Gp at enemies Lv3 SwGrab 60 [Command] Catches enemy's physical attack Lv4 Eq.Kata180 [Automatic] Can equip Katana despite class Lv5 F.Draw 540 [Command] Several random att. with Katana Total Ap needed to master class: 820 Lancer [Dragoon] [Found in Earth Shrine] Default command: Jump One of my personal favorites. Strong physical abilities and great Jump command that lets you avoid damage while in the air and then attack. Lv1 Jump 50 [Command] Aerial attack to an enemy. Lv2 Lance 150 [Command] Drain attack [Hp and Mp] to enemy Lv3 EqLanc 400 [Automatic] Can equip Spear despite class Total Ap needed to master class: 600 Dancer [Found in Earth Shrine] Default command: Dance Fairly weak [and usually useless] characters. Can use dances to drain enemy's Hp among other things. Dances take no mp to use. Lv1 Flirt 25 [Command] Thwart enemy's attack Lv2 Dance 50 [Command] Randomly use on of four dances Lv3 EqRibb 325 [Automatic] Can equip Ribbon despite class Total Ap needed to master class: 400 Chemist [Found in Earth Shrine] Default command: Drink Physically weak characters that also lack magic but are still extremely useful. Mix lets them to combine two items to produce new and rare ones. Lv1 Medicin 15 [Automatic] Potion/Ether's effect is doubled Lv2 Mix 30 [Command] Mix two items to make a new one Lv3 Drink 45 [Command] Drink special enhancing drinks Lv4 Recovr 135 [Command] Recover from most status cond. Lv5 Revive 405 [Command] Revive fallen ally with minimal Hp Total Ap needed to master class: 630 Mime [Found in Submerged Wind Shrine] Default command: Mimic Semi-weak characters that can copy their ally's and enemy's attacks. Have three other blank command slots that you can fill. Lv1 Mimic 999 [Command] Copy preceeding command reference charts: classes ranked in order of usefullness classes ranked in order of Ap needed to master which classes I think you should have each characters master [In order] |