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Final Fantasy 5 Magic
Black Magic White Magic Time Magic Summon MagicSword Magic Blue Magic Earth Skill Songs Dances Critter Name Mp Effect Level Black Magic Used by: Black Mage, Red Mage [Levels 1 - 3] Fire 4 Low power Fire elemental damage 1 Ice 4 Low power Ice elemental damage 1 Bolt 4 Low power Thunder elemental damage 1 Poison 2 Poisons the target 2 Sleep 3 Puts the target to sleep 2 Toad 8 Turns the target into a toad 2 Fire 2 10 Medium power Fire elemental damage 3 Ice 2 10 Medium power Ice elemental damage 3 Bolt 2 10 Medium power Thunder elemental damage3 Drain 13 Drain some of the target's Hp 4 Break 15 Petrifies the target 4 Bio 16 Damage the target and poisons them 4 Fire 3 25 High power Fire elemental damage 5 Ice 3 25 High power Ice elemental damage 5 Bolt 3 25 High power Thunder elemental damage 5 Flare 39 Nuclear blast to a target 6 Doom 29 Automatically kill a traget 6 Asper 1 Drain some of the target's Mp 6 White Magic Used by: White Mage, Red Mage [Levels 1-3] Cure 4 Recovers some of the target's Hp 1 Scan 1 Shows the target's Hp and weakness 1 Antidote 2 Recovers Posion status 1 Mute 2 Silences the enemy 2 Protes 3 Doubles resistance to physical hits 2 Mini 5 Shrinks the target 2 Cure 2 9 Recovers more of the target's Hp 3 Raise 29 Revives unconscious allies 3 Muddle 4 Confuses the target 3 Blink 6 Creates two mirages to avoid phys. hits 4 Shell 5 Doubles resistance to magical hits 4 Esuna 10 Heals status ailments 4 Cure 3 27 Recovers all of the target's Hp 5 Reflect 15 Bounces back magic 5 Berserk 8 Berserks the target 5 Arise 50 Revives unconscious allies with full Hp 6 Holy 20 High power Holy elemental damage 6 Dispel 12 Cancels positive status effects 6 Time Magic Used by: Time Mage Speed 1 Slows down battle speed 1 Slow 3 Slows the target's battle guage 1 Regen 3 The target gradually recovers it's Hp 1 Mute 3 Silences the target 2 Haste 5 Speeds up the target's battle guage 2 Float 10 Causes target to hover above the ground 2 Demi 9 Cuts the target's remaining Hp by half 3 Stop 8 Prevents the target from acting 3 Telepo 15 Removes party from dungeons and battle 3 Comet 7 Non-elemental damage 4 Slow 2 9 Slows down all enemies or allies 4 Return 1 Restarts the battle 4 Demi 2 18 Cuts the target's remaining Hp by 75% 5 Haste 2 15 Speeds up all allies or eneimes 5 Old 4 Rapidly ages the target 5 Meteo 42 Four comets hit random enemies 6 Quick 77 Enables the target to have two turns 6 X-Zone 20 Banishes enemies to the fourth dimension6 Summon Magic Used by: Summoner Chocobo 4 Physical attack to a single enemy 1 Sylph 8 Drain some of all enemy's Hp, Wind elem. 1 Remora 2 Drains enemy's Hp and stops them 1 Shiva 10 Ice elemental attack to all enemies 2 Ifrit 11 Fire elemental attack to all enemies 2 Ramuh 12 Thunder elemental attack to all enemies 2 Titan 25 Earth elemental attack to all enemies 3 Golem 18 Protects allies from physical attacks 3 Shoat 33 Petrifies all enemies 3 Carbuncle 45 Casts Reflect on all allies 4 Hydra 32 Thunder and Water damage to all enemies4 Odin 48 Either kill all enem. or single phys. attack 4 Phoenix 99 Revives and restores Hp of party 5 Leviathan 39 Water elemental damage to all enemies 5 Bahamut 66 Nuclear blast to all enemies 5 Sword Magic Used by: Sword Mage Fire 2 Adds Low power Fire elemental to weapon1 Ice 2 Adds Low power Ice elemental to weapon 1 Bolt 2 Adds Low power Bolt elemental to weap. 1 Poison 1 Adds Posion status to weapon 2 Mute 1 Adds Mute status to weapon 2 Sleep 2 Adds Sleep status to weapon 2 Fire 2 5 Adds Med. power Fire elemental to weap. 3 Ice 2 5 Adds Med.power Ice elemental to weap. 3 Bolt 2 5 Adds Med. power Bolt elemental to weap. 3 Drain 6 Adds Draining power to weapon 4 Break 8 Adds Petrify status to weapon 4 Bio 3 Adds High power Poison status to weap. 4 Fire 3 15 Adds High power Fire elemental to weap. 5 Ice 3 15 Adds High power Ice elemental to weap. 5 Bolt 3 15 Adds High power Bolt elemental to weap. 5 Holy 10 Adds High power Holy elemental to weap. 6 Flare 30 Adds Nuclear power to weapon 6 Asper 1 Adds Mp draining power to weapon 6 Blue Magic Used by: Blue Mage Condemned 10 30 second countdown until Doom NA Doom Claw 21 Reduces the target's Hp tless than ten. NA Roulette 1 Casts Doom on a random target NA L5 Doom 22 Cast Doom on Lv 5, 10, 15, etc. enemies. NA L4 Quarter 9 Cast Quarter on Lv 4, 8, 12, etc. enemies. NA L3 Flare 18 Cast Flare on Lv 3, 6, 9, etc. enemies NA L2 Old 11 Cast Old on Lv 2, 4, 6, etc. enemies NA Toad Song 5 Casts Toad on an enemy NA Little Song 5 Casts Mini on an enemy NA Flah 7 Blinds most enemies NA Time Slip 9 Casts Sleep and Old on an enemy NA Moon Flute 3 Berskers your whole team NA Burn Ray 5 Fire ekemental attack to one enemy NA Aqua Rake 38 Water elemental damage to all ememies NA Aero 4 Low level Wind elemental attack NA Aero 2 10 Medium level Wind elemental attack NA Aero 3 24 High level Wind elemental attack NA Goblin Punch 0 Weak physical attack with high accuracy NA Magic Hammer 3 Cuts the target's Mp in half NA Missle 7 Cuts the target's Hp by three fourths NA Black Shock 27 Cuts the target's level in half NA Guard Off 19 Decreases the enemys defenses NA Pep Up 13 KO's the caster to restore party's Hp & MpNA White Wind 28 Restores team's Hp = to caster's curr. Hp NA Mind Blast 6 Damages and stuns a single target NA Red Feast 2 Drainssome of the target's Hp NA Guardian 72 Casts Safe, Float and Shell on the party NA Blow Fish 25 Damages a target for 1000 Hp NA Exploder 1 KO's user, damage = caster's current Hp NA ???? 3 Damage = Caster's Max Hp - current Hp NA Earth Skill Used by: Geomancer Field Area Attacks Gust 0 Wind elemental attack to an enemy Field Earthquake 0 Earth elemental attack to all enemies Field Wind Slash 0 Wind elemental attack to all enemies Field Twister 0 Reduces target's Hp to less than ten Field Mountain Area Attacks Gust 0 Wind elemental attack to an enemy Mount Earthquake 0 Earth elemental attack to all enemies Mount Twister 0 Reduces target's Hp to less than ten Mount Stalagmite 0 Four small earth att. to random enemies Mount Forest Area Attacks Branch Arrow 0 Attack to a single enemy Forest Rage 0 Wind elem. attack + Blind to all enemies Forest Branch Spear 0 Stronger version of Branch Arrow Forest Vine Hel 0 Casts Slow on all enemies Forest Desert Area Attacks Dust 0 Earth/ Wind elem. + Blind to all enemies Desert Desert Storm 0 High level Earth / Wind elem. to all enem. Desert Quicksand 0 Causes a single enemy to leave the battle Desert Heat Sand 0 Earth / Fire elem. damage to all enemies Desert Water Area Attacks Whirlpool 0 Causes a single enemy to leave the battle Water Tsunami 0 Water elemental attack to all enemies Water Big Wave 0 High Water elemental damage to enemies Water Phantom 0 Physical damage to an enemy Water Waterfall 0 Water elemental damage to an enemy Water Swamp Area Attacks Will O' Whisp 0 Damages and confuses all enemies Swamp Peat Bog 0 Eliminates enemies from battle Swamp Poison Mist 0 Reduces a single enemy's Hp to one Swamp Cave Area Attacks Wind Slash 0 Wind elemental dam. to multiple enemies Cave Will O' Whisp 0 Damages and confuses all enemies Cave Stalagmite 0 Four small earth att. to random enemies Cave Stalactite 0 Earth elemental dam. to a single enemy Cave Indoor Are Attacks Wind Slash 0 Wind elemental dam. to multiple enemies Indoor Gust 0 Wind elemental attack to an enemy Indoor Twister 0 Reduces target's Hp to less than ten Indoor Will O' Whisp 0 Damages and confuses all enemies Indoor Sonic Boom 0 Wind elemental damage to an enemy Indoor Songs Used by: Bards Power Song 0 Increases your team's Attack power NA Speed Song 0 Castes Haste on an ally NA Strength Song 0 Castes Regen on your whole team NA Mp Song 0 Increases Magic Power of your team NA Level Song 0 Increases the Level of your whole team NA Requiem 0 Immense damage to undead enemies NA Love Song 0 Temporarily stops enemies from acting NA Temptation Song0 Confuses all enemies NA Dances Used by: Dancers Wonder Waltz 0 Drains some of the target's Mp NA Tempting Tango 0 Confuses an enemy NA Jitterbug 0 Drains some of the target's Hp NA Sword Dance 0 Four times the damage [physical attack] NA Critter Used by: Archers Learn at Level Squirrel 0 Physical damage to an enemy 1 Mysidia Rabbit 0 Nothing much seems to happen... 1 Bee Swarm 0 Physical damage to all enemies 6 Nightingale 0 Heals your whole team 11 Tree Squirrel 0 Temporarily stops enemies actions 16 Falcon 0 Cuts the enemy's Hp by two thirds 21 Skunk 0 Casts blind and Posion on all enemies 31 Wild Boar 0 Physical damage to an enemy 41 Unicorn 0 Recoversyour team's Hp and Mp 51 |