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Final Fantasy 6 Review
Final Fantasy 6Released sometime in 1994 24 Megabits [Super NES] 3 Save Files SNES Mouse Compatible:No SNES Super Scope Compatible:No Approx. Playing Time:40 Hours Played:Yes Beaten:Yes Preview:It has been 1000 years since the war of the magi [FFLegend 2]. Civilization is finally starting to regain itself. However one thing is absent in this new world...magic. The Empire lead by Emporor Gestahl is seeking for Espers, for they in their purest form are pure magic. the Empire uses this magic to power their Magitek armor. With the Magitek armor they plan to rule the world. You start the game in control of three of their Magitek suits, on a mission to retreive an Esper from the mining town of Narshe. Note: Difficulty has no outcome on the game's final grade. Graphics=9.4 The characters are about as detailed as FF4 for the battles, though they've improved on the map [but the portraits are worse]. The spell graphics have also imporved. Flying the airship utilizes the game's Mode 7 graphics. Sound=9.6 The sound is great, especially the music as is typical with Final Fantasy games. The sound generally, in quality is about the same as it is in Final Fantasy 4. Play Control=9.5 With the exception of the new style for steering the airship [which takes some getting used to], the controls are almost exactly the same as Final Fantasy 4's. Specials, Inginuity, and Replay=9.2 The game itself is relatively short without any side-quests, however with the sidequests the game gets about an extra 20 hours worth of playing. The game also has several slighty [very slightly] different endings. Challenge=8.2 Advanced Level Though it starts easy enough and the final boss is pathetically easy, there are a few bosses in the game that are quite tough, such as Wrexsoul. [If you don't use the Vanish/Doom trick]. Overall=9.4=A Though I don't like this game quitw as much as Final Fantasy 4, this game is still a classic. If you liked Final Fantasy 4 [2 in U.S.] be sure to at least rent this one. If you liked this game try: 1. Final Fantasy 4 [2 in U.S.] 2. Final Fantasy 5 3. Final Fantasy 7 4. Final Fantasy 8 5. Breath of Fire 2 |