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Final Fantasy 6 Cast
Terra Branford
Locke Cole
Edgar Roni Figaro
Sabin Rene Figaro
Celes Chere
Cyan Garamonde
Setzer Gabbiani
Strago Magus
Relm Arrowny

  Terra Branford
Age: 18
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Skill: Morph
Limit Breaker: Riot Blade
Birth Date: Oct. 18
Terra was born with the power of "Magic" for this reason the Empire is after her. After hypnotixing her with a slve crown they send her and two others to retreive an Esper from Narshe. Terra's strongest ability is undoubtably her magic, her physical abilities are quite weak though.

  Locke Cole
Age: 25
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Skill: Steal [Capture]
Limit Breaker: Mirager
Birth Date: Nov. 24
Locke joined a rebel group called the "Returners" after his girlfriend died due to the Empire. He helps Terra out after she partially regains her memory in Narshe. Locke's two greatest advantages are his speed which is the highest in the game, and his high Hp his magic is only average though.

  Edgar Roni Figaro
Age: 27
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 169 lbs.
Skill: Tool
Limit Breaker: Royal Shock
Birth Date: Aug. 16
Edgar is the king of Figaro, one of the most advanced kingdoms in the world. He poses as an ally to the Empire but in reality is a member of the Returners. His stronget assets are his high Hp, Mp and of course his great tools. he is a fairly balalnced character. He has low Speed though.

  Sabin Rene Figaro
Age: 27
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 233 lbs.
Skill: Blitz
Limit Breaker: Tiger Break
Birth Date: Aug. 16
Sabin is Edgar's younger twin brother. He also is training in martial arts as a student of Duncan. He left his hometown of Figaro after his father, the King died. His best abilities are his Stamina which is the strongest of all acharacters, his high Vigor and his Blitzes. his Magic is very low, though.

  Celes Chere
Age: 18
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Skill: Runic
Limit Breaker: Spin Edge
Birth Date: Mar. 10
Celes was a general in the Empire but was locked up when she questioned Emporer Ghestal's command. She was infused with magic as a child. Her strongest points are her high magic powers, however like Terra all of her physical abilities are fairly low compared to most of the others.

Age: Unknown
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Skill: Throw
Limit Breaker: Shadow Fang
Birth Date: Unknown
Shadow is an assassin, not a ninja as most people call him. He has two very strong special skills: His ability to throw weapons and his dog, Interceptor who will use various tricks on Shadow's opponents. Besides that he has the highest Evade, and high Speed and Stamina but low magic.

  Cyan Garamonde
Age: 50
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 158 lbs.
Skill: Sword Tech
Limit Breaker: Back Blade
Birth Date; Jan. 3
Cyan is a knight of Doma, one of the few countires that doesn't rely on science and technology. He lives with his wife and son. Cyan is very strong especially considering his age. He has the highest Vigor [Sabin is a very close second]. He has low magic and speed though,especially Mag.Evade.

Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 169 lbs.
Skill: Rage [Leap]
Limit Breaker: None [He has no "Fight" command]
Birth Date: Apr. 5
Gau roams around on the Veldt with the monsters as if he was one of them, he knows very little and doesn't remember ever having a family. He can learn the skills of his enemy almost like a more advanced version Lore. Gau has high Speed, and actually is quite balanced with somewhat low Mp.

  Setzer Gabbiani
Age: 27
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 136 lbs.
Skill: Slot [Gp Rain]
Limit Breaker: Red Card
Birth Date: Feb. 8
Setzer is a wanderring gambler who owns one of the world's only airships. Setzer loves Maria, an actress and singer at the Opera House, and plans to kidnap her. His best attributes are his Vigor, Stamina, and Speed, he has very low Evade abilities however.

  Strago Magus
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 94 lbs.
Skill: Lore
Limit Breaker: Sabre Soul
Birth Date: June 13
Strago is a Blue Mage in Thamasa, and is very well trined in his art. He lives with his adopted granddaughter Relm. Stago's most powerfull abilities are of course his magical ones, with his physical abilities lgging somewhat behind. especially his Stamina which is the lowest of all the characters.  

  Relm Arrowny
Age: 10
Height: 5'
Weight: 88 lbs.
Skill: Sketch [Control]
Limit Breaker: Star Prism
Birth Date: Sep. 9
Relm is an orphan, that lives in Thamasa. Unlike her adopted grandfather she has no magical abilites by her self. Her favorite passtime is drawing. Her most usefull abilities are her magic powers, although they aren't nearly as strong as Strago, Celes, or Terra's. Her Vigor is extremely low.

Age: 11
Height: 4'
Weight: 94 lbs.
Skill: Dance
Limit Breaker: Moogle Rush
Birth Date: Unknown
Mog lives in the mountains of Narshe along with most other Moogles. He joins you after you save him from Lone Wolf, a world renowned thief. His most Valuable abilites are besides his dance ability, his Speed and middle-class magic abilities, his Stamina is the second lowest.

Age: Unknown
Height: 5' 5'
Weight: 132 lbs.
Skill: Mimic [or anything else]
Limit Breaker: X-Meteor
Birth Date: Unknown
Gogo lives on the isolated Triangle Island, he doesn't ever speak in that he is a sort of Mime.His most bennificial ability is his ability to mimic others and change his battle skills [on his status screen double tap A], as well as the fact that all of his statistics [Hp, Mp, Vigor, etc.] are all average.

Age: 4
Height: 6' 10"
Weight: 436 lbs.
Skill: Blizard [only with Blizard Orb]
Limit Breaker: None [He has no "Fight" command]
Birth Date: Unknown
Umaro lives near the Moogles in the mountains of Narshe, he also is good friends with the Moogles. His Vigor starts off even higher then Cyan or Sabin's but it only gains slowly, his magic defense is unbelievably high, his only statistics that aren't super-human in quality are his Speed and Magic.

The notes about their statistics are  made without including Esper bonuses in the event of you can change any aspect of a character you want by givving them an Esper.

If there are any flaws at all on this page then please let me know.